Sunday, August 23, 2009

Did you know 3.0

Wow. This was very interesting. I knew technology had a huge effect. I also new it had more of an effect now than before, but i had no idea that it has came that far. Also the fact that it is changing so fast, it is interesting but kind of scary at the same time. The video said that for students starting a four year technical degree half of what they learn their first year will be out dated by their third year of study. I can see where that could have it's advantages technology wise, but for the person that doesn't seem to be a good thing. It would seem like the student would be wasting their time learning with that being the case.

Something else that is interesting that was stated was the expectations of future computers. It said that by 2013, a supercomputer will be built that exceeds the computational capabilities of the human brain and by 2049, a 1,000 dollar computer will exceed the computational capabilities of the entire human species. To me, that's kind of scary to think that technology will go that far. I'm not so sure it will be a good thing to see a computer exceed a human.

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